David H. Garelick, MD, is a district medical advisor (DMA) for OWCP reviewing schedule award
requests. OWCP recently acknowledged that he has been
misapplying the AMA Guides, 6th Edition ("AMAG6"), with regard to
upper extremity schedule award calculations. This has probably been occurring since 2009. As a result, many claimants received
smaller schedule award percentages than they should have for arm injuries when there was a loss of range of motion. If this
applies to you or someone you know, you should investigate whether
the award was properly calculated using the corrected Table 15-5 in the
revised AMAG6 released May 2009. If you are concerned about whether Dr. Garelick was
involved in your schedule award, you can write to OWCP requesting a copy of the
“DMA memo that was used to determine my schedule award.” The DMA memo will be
signed by the doctor who authored it. This only applies to arm ratings and only
if you have a loss of range of motion that was excluded from your rating.